Monday, June 23, 2014

New research confirms the influence of pesticides to risk autistic on pregnancy.

Recently, a new study by scientists at the University of California has done just that pesticides is one of the direct cause of autism syndrome. By a survey of pregnant women living within one mile around the farm planting using pesticides, scientists have found that children born at this rate of autism and the risk of more than 60% can double if a mother exposed to pesticides during the first three months of pregnancy.

Complications during pregnancy period, virus or genetic disorders are the leading cause of autism. However, after much research done in recent years, scientists have discovered an additional other factors are also more at risk for causing autism is the environmental pollution. In particular, the nerve toxin as pesticides, mercury, fuel diesel, ... All bad influence in the process developed the brain of her unborn child.

According to Dan Rossignol, an expert in the study of autism at the center for research resources development children international Jeff Bradstreet: "pesticides is one of the nerve toxin has strongly influenced the ability of autistic. The latest study was conducted of recent years is obvious proof of this conclusion."

In their study, the researchers combined data from the Bureau control using pesticides to California where 970 children participate in research programs at risk for autism birth defects caused by genetic factors and the environment. Through that, scientists can determine the type of chemicals that pregnant women who had direct contact in the environment and has indirect influence the development of her unborn child. At the same time, the researchers also surveyed the diet of pregnant women, metabolic disorders and the impact of socioeconomic status for psychological pregnant women during pregnancy.

Janie Shelton, an expert in Epidemiology at the University of California, a member of the team said: "women who live within a mile around farms using pesticides containing organophosphate (organic compounds of phosphorous) or Pyrethroid are born babies have a higher risk of autistic much higher than others. Currently in the United States, 68 children, there is a case of some form of mental syndrome autism. However, at risk of going up to three times if exposed to organophosphates mother during pregnancy. This means that scientists need to study more in the future to find prevention agents damaging even before conception.
" Still, according to an expert in the study of autism, Rossignol: "model studies have yet achieved the universal reason could not determine the effect of pesticides on time in pregnancy. We need to study the start of conception, and after pregnancy to determine precise time pesticide impact on the child. From that new measures help pregnant women avoid these factors in the appropriate time." Still, Rossignol still greatly appreciate the conclusion of the study.
In the future, Shelton and the team at the University of California to continue study broader than if received funding. One of the goals that the group continued to pose is used to determine the exact impact of pesticides to measures in consultation with appropriate for pregnant women. However, regardless of the outcome of the future will be like, Shelton advised mothers best to avoid contact with pesticides.

According to Richard Frye, a researcher of autism from the University of Arkansas: "virulence of neurological products protect plants are forecast from studies on both animals and humans. This problem needs to be continued to study seriously not only designed to protect the mother and fetus that helps to join them when making a pregnancy."

clearly, preventing the risk of autism is still better than the treatment as being. Thus, in addition to your diet, pregnant women should avoid the triggers damage to facilitate best for development and birth of a newborn.

According to Theverge, EHP, CDPR


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